
Why Jesus?

A lot has been written by others by way of demonstrating or proving that Jesus

Without attempting to re-enumerate such evidence here, I will say that I am convinced, that I have begun to endeavor to put his words into practice, and that I have found him to be not only faithful and reliable, but also beautiful.

What do I mean by beautiful? This is a most excellent question, for understanding beauty is a vast domain. It spans the glory of vistas which feed our souls, to a simple meal which feeds our bellies. It can be found at the pinnacles of achievement, and it can be found between mother and child in a slum. To be beautiful is to have a purpose, and to serve that purpose simply, elegantly and fully.

Jesus Christ (according to his own account) was sent to us from God the Father and became a human being. This makes Jesus a paradoxical figure, one who mediates irreconcilable extremes; between the Perfection of God as source of order, truth and perfection and the brokenness, emptiness and duplicity of humanity.

To our minds, he is awkward, unlikely, and difficult to fit into our ways of thinking and understanding the world. We could reject him and preserve our limited frameworks, or we could receive his words with gladness, and allow our own kingdoms to give way, to be reformed and to find ourselves within the wider space of his dominion, a place with more liberty and abundance than we could ever build for ourselves.

I could say more, but the main thing for you to take from my words is that here I am, convinced and commending Jesus to you. Look to his own words and deeds if you really wish to know him.