

Abraham knew immediately.
Jacob wrestled to know your name.
One so mighty as Joshua was not certain
Until you spelled it out.

But in your day, so hidebound were their eyes That all the brightest sons of Abraham hated you on sight. Am I less blind? My whole life is leading to the day when first I lay my eyes on your face. Yet I stock my armory with foolishness arrogance. I've hated ones who bear your image because they were too much my twin. Your opinionated enemy, stubbornly I feared and hated you. My mind throngs with mannequins, cold forms which I think you ought to be. When I meet you, how will I know to put away my enmity, and fall to the ground?

Mark me with your unblemished signet. Tattoo the map of your scarred face on the hand of my heart so I'll know. Identify: friend or foe! Speak the Word: The secret callsign you establish To lay down my arms And end my war.