
About Dysprositos

Why does this website exist?

This website is dedicated to exploring and inciting the search for Truth. Many would have you believe that finding the Truth is easy, or that they have already done the hard work for you. They are liars. The Truth, as it turns out, is very hard to get at. It is hard to find something genuinely true. When you hear the truth, it is difficult to hear. And it is supremely difficult to speak the truth consistently. Beware anyone who says otherwise.

But this site is also dedicated to the proposition that the search for the Truth is worthwhile. Cynicism is but another lie. The difficulty in finding the path is consistent with the superlative value of that way.

A Treasure in A Field

Please do not give up on Truth

I am not giving up, despite the fact that the closer I draw towards the truth, the more it reveals about my own twisted character. For I am convinced that

“if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with each other, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from our sin.”

In other words, the Truth is transformative, and so the only way to address the discomfort it brings is to walk ever deeper into it. It’s not easy. But it’s worthwhile —priceless in fact.

This website does not purport to be That Truth. No, but I do hope that it could be a bit of the hair of the dog that bit you; not the medicine itself, but something which, however improbably, may, despite its fallibility, spark the fire of hunger in those who read (and write) here.

Hunger for Truth. Accept no facsimiles. That’s the spirit of this site, and my hope in bringing it to you.